Our team of doctors, dietitians and exercise physiologist can help. The CPEXrehab program is designed for objective assessment to achieve rapid meaningful improvement in your health.


We love to help patients with chronic conditions that interfere with their enjoyment of life. Having a body that doesn’t want to do what you tell it to is something that only you really understand. At CPEXBrisbane we work with you to make the most of the function you have available and maximise what you can achieve with the body you have.

The CPEXB-Rehab program is designed to deal with functional problems that arise due to issues like illness or trauma that effects your body.

Common conditions that we treat are chronic heart and lung conditions, inflammatory arthritis (like rheumatoid arthritis, AS, or SLE), after broken bones or other joint injuries, recovery after surgery like spinal surgery, hip and knee replacement, gynaecological surgery, colorectal surgery or prostate surgery.

Rehabilitating after surgery: 

Recovery from surgery is not smooth for everyone. Many struggle to achieve the level of function prior to the surgery or their results are not as good as expected. Most of our patients have struggling for 6 or more months after surgery to get back to life before they seek help for the first time. Our typical patient has been discharged from physiotherapy and rehabilitation. There are multiple reasons for a poor recovery after surgery but one of the issues that we help with is deconditioning. Deconditioning is process that happen over time of months where the body didn’t get the minimum amount of stimulation it requires to maintain itself. To condition means that we build the muscles and systems that support them, like the heart lungs and blood vessels, up to the level that is required for day to day living and beyond.

Rehabilitation at CPEXBrisbane is a multidisciplinary process. We conduct a detailed assessment of the all the issues involved and present you with a comprehensive individualised plan that address all relevant issue through our in-house exercise physiologist or dietitian or referring you onto our trusted network of health professionals. We generate goals that we use as waypoints on your road to recovery. These waypoint keeps us on tract and identify where a correction to the program is required. This incremental process of evaluation and adjustment means that we are able to identify problem early and offer high success rate by addressing these issues. No two journeys are the same, which is why we are here to help with your specific needs.


Renee Bloomfield Accredited Exercise physiologist

Conditions we commonly treat are rehabilitation following hip or knee surgery or replacement, lower back surgery, cervical spine surgery and cardiac or pulmonary surgery. Colorectal surgery like colectomies or upper gastrointestinal surgery like gastric bypass usually requires the help of our experienced dietitian. 

Chronic non-surgical rehabilitation:

Common conditions are joint issue like rheumatoid arthritis or alkalizing spondylitis. These conditions have similar pattern of activation and remission. Active phases are usually very sore and this is not a good time to stress the joints. During remission the joints will begin to heal. As part of maintaining good joint health, building up the muscle bulk and maintaining good functional range of movement while preventing injuries are the best way to look after yourself. 

Chronic respiratory disease:

Chronic respiratory diseases that we commonly see are restrictive lung disease or obstructive lung disease patterns. The causes of these are multiple and include previous surgery, smoking damage, asthma, autoimmune disease and trauma. We offer a structured approach to your care starting from the full assessment including a cardiopulmonary exercise stress test and EP assessment. If weight is an issue we address this with the help of our dietitian.

Cardiovascular disease:

Cardiomyopathy, ischemia heart disease and peripheral vascular disease are some for the common diseases we treat.

A typical program:

Our best work in chronic conditions are done over a period of 4 months to 16 weeks. This includes a detailed evaluation, the initial consult and 3 long visits which include a supervised one-on-one exercise session.  Prior to cardiovascular or respiratory rehabilitation we prefer if you undergo a cardiopulmonary exercise stress test to evaluate the safety of an exercise intervention and create very specific, clinical goals for us to pursue.

Successful clients will be invited to join us for a cooking class, shopping mall tours and group classes. The top patients will be invited for a social event referred to as a field day test. During this event we complete a physical activity that you can relate to in the real word, like cycling, running or swimming in a supervised group followed by a lunch and ceremony to celebrate your journey.

We have a high success rate and pride ourselves on putting the patients’ needs first.

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